The best way to use an infrared sauna

The best way to use an infrared sauna

Wellness is no longer just a buzzword. It’s a lifestyle. And more and more people are seeking out ways to help them feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether it's through mindful practices like meditation and yoga, prioritizing regular exercise, or incorporating practices such as sauna and cold water immersion, people are actively investing in their well-being. 

Statistics show that 50 percent of Americans report that wellness is a priority in their daily lives — up from 42 percent in 2020. And those people are looking at wellness from a holistic point of view, choosing habits that not only support physical health but their well-being. 

Infrared sauna therapy, for example, can improve circulation, support heart health, and help you sweat out toxins. More than that, regular sauna sessions can reduce stress, support quality sleep, and improve your overall mood. 

But if you are new to infrared therapy, you might be looking for the best way to use a sauna. This guide to using an infrared sauna therapy will help you become more comfortable in the sauna and maximize your infrared sessions.

Understanding infrared saunas

Sauna therapy might feel like a new trend but heat therapy has been around for more than 2,000 years. But you might be more familiar with traditional saunas — often wood structures that use heated stones or an electric heater to heat the air around you. 

Infrared saunas use panels that emit infrared waves or light that is absorbed by the skin, providing. It’s a deep heat that warms the body directly and penetrates your body’s tissues to trigger positive physiological changes. 

But as you seek out the best way to use an infrared sauna, it’s important to look at the basics. 

Infrared therapy

Infrared saunas emit infrared light, which is experienced as radiant heat. This heat penetrates the skin more deeply than traditional saunas, reaching muscles, joints, and tissues.

Michael Phelps Sweaty GOAT Saunas feature a hybrid heating system. With three different types of heaters, the saunas offer full spectrum infrared waves to maximize the benefits of your sauna session. 

The carbon heaters, which are placed around the back, feet, and ankles, deliver far infrared heat. Far infrared waves deeply penetrate tissue and promote optimal muscle recovery and relaxation.With its mid-infrared heat the graphene heating element is placed behind the calves to help with lactic acid reduction and increase circulation. The alloy elements produce soft mid-infrared heat and help maximize recovery, whether you have chronic shin splints or recently had a knee replacement surgery.


 Sweating is one of the body's natural ways to cool itself. And when you are in a sauna, your core temperature will rise and your body will be looking for a way to chill out. As such, you’ll sweat. A lot. And because infrared waves deeply penetrate your tissues, you can take advantage of your body’s natural response to heat — sweat— to detoxify and purify the body.

While your sweat is about 99 percent water, there are other elements in your sweat — including heavy metals, chemicals, and other impurities that might be in your body’s tissues. The ability to achieve a deep sweat in a sauna allows you to sweat out those things you don’t want.

Relaxation and stress relief 

The heat from the sauna helps relax muscles and soothe the mind. Many users report feeling calm and rejuvenated after a session.

One study found that people who regularly incorporated sauna into their wellness routine reported feeling less depressed. In addition, research shows that sauna sessions can positively impact a person’s cortisol levels.

Improved circulation

One of the physiological changes that happens when you’re in a sauna is vasodilation, a process where the blood vessels expand. This expansion of blood vessels, in turn, promotes increased blood flow throughout the body. 

According to Harvard Health, your heart rate can increase 30 percent or more, allowing the heart to nearly double the amount of blood it pumps each minute. Good circulation is vital to your overall cardiovascular health, as it ensures that oxygen and essential nutrients are effectively delivered to your tissues and organs. 

Your go-to infrared sauna protocol

From encouraging relaxation to getting a good detox, infrared saunas are becoming a popular way to boost your overall well-being.

But wait, there's more to a sauna session than just hopping in and soaking up the heat.

You want to follow a sauna protocol that is tailored to your unique needs and goals. These guidelines will help you get the most out of your sessions while offering ways to personalize your experience.

Step 1: Prepare for your session

Are you ready to sweat? Sessions in an infrared sauna can provide myriad benefits. But you want that session to do the most good and that starts with taking a few minutes for preparation. 

Before entering the sauna, it's essential to hydrate. Drinking at least 16 ounces of water will help you gear up for the rise in core temperature, helping your body better handle the heat stress. Good hydration will also help with circulation and prevent dehydration.

You also want to lay down towels on the bench and the floor heaters to soak up the sweat. You’ll also want to dress in lightweight, comfortable clothing to help with sweat factor.

Step 2: Start your session

A good sweat session in an infrared sauna can be a lot like a cardio workout. Your heart rate will increase, your blood will pump and, of course, you’ll sweat.

Taking that mindset into your sauna sessions can be helpful. And it all starts with the warm-up.

To start your sauna session, set the temperature of your Sweaty GOAT between 140 degrees and 160 degrees Fahrenheit. But you don’t have to wait for the sauna to reach that temperature. In fact, you want to hop in when the sauna is between 100 degrees and 105 degrees. Why? The first 15 minutes of your sauna session will mimic the warm-up of a workout. Your heart rate will gradually increase alongside your core temperature.

Sweaty GOAT Saunas take about 20 minutes to heat up (or less). Once it reaches your desired temperature, the “work” begins. You’ll start to feel small beads of sweat forming, and your heart rate will continue to increase, which you can monitor with a fitness or smart watch.

Step 3: Relax and reap the benefits

During your session, find a comfortable position to sit or recline, allowing the full spectrum infrared heat to penetrate your body. A rolled towel can add a surprising amount of comfort, whether you want to place it behind your head as a pillow or put it under your knees.

You can read, meditate, or listen to your favorite playlist or podcast while in the sauna. Sweaty GOAT Saunas have a space to rest your iPad as well as a wireless music system. 

Step 4: Cooling down and hydrating

The ideal infrared sauna sessions can be between 40 minutes and an hour, depending on your heat tolerance, physiology, and schedule. After your sauna session, exit the sauna and allow your body to cool down gradually. You can take a lukewarm shower to rinse off and even finish with a quick cold water rinse to close the pores.

And don’t forget to hydrate. You want to drink water to replenish the fluids lost through sweating.

Tips for elevating your sauna sessions

Sauna sessions offer a multitude of health benefits. But you want to make the most out of your 40 minutes in the Sweaty GOAT. Whether it’s being more consistent or adding in cold water immersion, you can take your sauna experience to the next level, enhancing both the physical and mental rewards. 

Regular sessions

Consistency is key when it comes to experiencing the full benefits of infrared sauna therapy. You can use a sauna daily or several times a week. If you opt for a daily sauna protocol, it’s important to remember to stay hydrated throughout your sessions.

Pair with other wellness practices

Incorporate infrared sauna sessions into a holistic wellness routine that includes exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management techniques.

Cold water therapy is one practice that can enhance and elevate sessions in the Sweaty GOAT. Using a cold tub such as the Michael Phelps Chilly GOAT offers a range of benefits for physical and mental well-being. For athletes, cold water immersion can be particularly beneficial. Cold can help reduce inflammation, enhance circulation, and boost recovery. Additionally, cold water therapy can invigorate the body, improve mood, and increase alertness. 

Not only can you use the sauna and cold tub on their own. But you can alternate between hot and cold, taking advantage of the benefits of contrast therapy. 

Consult with a healthcare professional

If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting sauna therapy.

Enjoy the experience

You might be tempted to focus on finding the perfect sauna protocol. But it’s important to make sure that you remember to enjoy the experience. Sessions in the Sweaty GOAT Sauna are a time for relaxation, reflection, and self-care.

Best infrared sauna for at home use

Do you want to enjoy the benefits of sauna therapy without having to book an appointment at a spa or share space at a gym? Having a Michael Phelps Sweaty GOAT Sauna allows you to realize the benefits of sauna therapy. You can click here to find out more about the benefits of incorporating a Michael Phelps Sweaty GOAT sauna into your routine. Rejuvenate your wellness routine today!